
Surely you have read articles of this type. You first saw one and made you consider becoming a blogger .

Then you went on Twitter and saw that there were 80 other people talking about similar success stories. One of two: either everyone is lying, or it’s true and I’m missing something.

With this article I Aabhas Vijay from want to demystify those success stories and at the same time help you achieve your goals. 

First a lot of people ask me what is an SMTP Server here is something to resolve this for you. Here is a list of Free SMTP Server that you can use to send free emails. But you must be clear that having a blog of certain success implies many months of work, a lot of effort and a lot of time dedicated to it. If you are not willing or willing to work hard, you will not get good results. This is something that you must be clear from the first minute. Here is how you can configure an SMTP Server

Key points to keep in mind for a blog to achieve success

I have gone through countless situations, both good and bad, and after these years at the helm of SMTPServers I feel with enough experience to tell you the steps to follow from minute 1, so that you do not make the same mistakes than me .

Setting up the blog: what do you need to get on the board?

Let’s start the house from the bottom. I am going to list what you need to set up a successful blog from the beginning, with a brief explanation in each case. Then we will go on to see the necessary elements once you have the base assembled.

# 1 – A good domain & hosting

What are you going to call yourself ? You will have to choose your domain , and when you do you will have to go through the checkout.

Who can you buy it from? Here I introduce you to the next step: you will also need a space on the network in which to host your website, and for this there are well known hosting provider companies .

These companies offer storage services , also 100% necessary for you. And since they know that if you acquire a web space the most logical thing is that you are starting, they are the ones who also sell domains.

Thus, this purchase is joint on a regular basis. Once you have your domain and your hosting, you will have to start thinking about the “nice” part.

  • Extra: if you don’t want to invest any money , you have the option of opening a free blog on the platforms enabled for it. You will not be able to customize anything and success will be based 100% on the quality of your content , as well as the ability you have to move it. I do not recommend it at all.
The domain and hosting are the first steps when building a blog

# 2 – A suitable template

I am going to assume that you are going to set up a WordPress and that you already have step # 1 clear. The next thing is to think about what your blog will look like.

So that non-experts do not have to learn to program HTML and PHP, content managers like WordPress work with templates.

A template is a set of files that, correctly installed on your hosting, give a predefined appearance to your website .

The templates are sold, although they are also free. As in everything, the more sugar, the sweeter. There are templates designed for agencies, templates for construction companies, WordPress templates, Magento templates, responsive templates, templates for coaches, mobile templates, etc.

There are all kinds of them and you will have to find one that fits your goals . I highly recommend that you go to WordPress.

A good template provider is Template Monster , which also offers you personalized support forever. Their templates are quite cheap and very easy to assemble. Here I leave you with some:

  • WordPress Blog Templates
  • Blogger templates

Once the template is purchased, you will have to upload it to your website, which will automatically acquire the appearance of it.

# 3 – Personalization of styles, menus and general texts

You have the template uploaded, but as its good name suggests, it is just a template and does not differ in anything from what is for sale in a general way.

The next step is to modify it . Change the colors and choose the ones you like best. Adapt them to the theme of your blog . Change the logo , change the menus , get rid of incomprehensible phrases -they are standard in templates, they all come with those texts by default- and start giving it your own style.

This is when you will need to add the basic sections . A blog is mainly made up of posts, of course. But aren’t you going to give someone the chance to contact you privately? What if they were someone who wants to hire you to write their blog texts for them because they think you write very well?

Personalizing your blog will help you make it attractive, one of the keys to its success.

Make it easy for your users and try adding the following pages:

  • A contact page with the basic data -email, telephone- or with a contact form.
  • A services page where the reader can see what you have to offer in a professional way.
  • An About Me that lets your readers know who you are.

If you want to add more sections, go ahead; but the contact and the about me should be yes or yes.

Blog launch

Now you have your page set up and you can start writing. I will detail things that you should add and take into account so that your blog, just assembled, reaches success in the shortest possible time.

# 4 – Write quality content with the user in mind

A blog cannot be conceived without content. Create posts and write without fear , but always with a goal .

What do you want to tell the reader? Why should she be reading your blog and not making a ham sandwich in the kitchen?

And when you are clear about what you are going to tell and why, start thinking about Google and apply the famous SEO  that are organic positioning techniques to your content.

Change the content and generaal texts of your website yourself or You can either write it yourself or hire an expert like Supreme Dissertations and TrustMyPaper.

To optimize an article you will have to choose your keywords well and optimize them in the following places:

  • Post url
  • Title
  • H1
  • First paragraph
  • Throughout the text, densifying it a little
  • ALT attribute of post images

If you optimize the keyword well and use synonyms of it, your post will gradually position itself and attract traffic through Google.

Regarding the frequency of publication, the ideal thing is that you publish every day. But since you don’t have as much time or as much capacity for effort (try to do it after four months and you will see) I recommend that, above all, be constant .

One a week? Ok, but always be one a week. One every fifteen days? More of the same.

# 5 – Add audiovisual material

The video is fashionable . There is nothing you like more out there than hitting play and letting someone tell you something while you eat the ham sandwich we were talking about.

The photos and images also like, and infographics work very well when you want to explain many things graphically. And with gifs you have guaranteed success.

Now podcasts have also come to light , which is nothing more than audio. It is what is used especially for posts that go from interviews to other references in the sector. Don’t be shy about this. It is real sugar for your blog and no one will dislike it.

Add quality content and audiovisual material, another key to the success of a blog

# 6 – Categories

When you have four tickets, it will not be difficult to know what each one is about. But when you wear 93 you will appreciate having thought about the categories.

By categorizing an article you will be putting it in an internal directory, so that when a user wants to read all the content related to a specific topic, they will be able to see it listed right there.

For example, if you are going to set up a cooking recipe blog, one category could be baking. Every time you write about a new dessert, you assign it to that category and that’s it. It is necessary, infallible and the SEO of your blog will not go far enough to reach the top of your sector.

Blog extras that cannot be missed

In theory, with this you could already be working very well . Quality content , organic traffic, a lot of content to jump from one article to another, etc.

The excellence , however, costs a little more. With these keys you can find it.

# 7 – SEO on the blog

Before you have done SEO to optimize your article. The topic of categories is also SEO, but with these tips you will reach the zenith:

  • Think of a general keyword for your blog and densify it on your home page. If it’s your name, make a mark of yourself!
  • Add internal and external links in your articles: the objective is to rank your website. If you are writing an article about desserts and you link to other dessert articles of yours, you will be reinforcing its positioning, telling Google that that linked page is important in relation to the content you are writing.

On the other hand, we are going to apply common sense. The logical thing is that the most important page is the home page, right? Do not forget to link to it from time to time, as well as try to avoid linking to the privacy policy or other pages that you do not want to position.

And keep an eye on the fact: don’t miss the external link! Why? Because Google welcomes you to distribute authority. If you link to a reference source in the sector, Google will relate you and give you a little help so that you can better positions.

How many internal and external links per post? That depends on each one, but I recommend that you do not stay in a fixed number and improvise depending on the theme.

  • Optimize upload speed : don’t upload 3MB images. Why so much resolution? Full HD displays don’t go up to 2000px long, so anything over that, cut it down. If you are very pro of Photoshop, problem solved. If not, you can pull the Image Resizer . Try not to put images of more than 150 kb, which end up being an impediment to a fast loading speed, very well valued by Google.
  • Attractive titles and meta descriptions : the title, in addition to being basic for the SEO of a page or post, is your business card. It comes paired with the Meta description, which will be the perfect element to get the user’s click. Get their attention, promise the gold and the moor … Do what you want, but get the click .
SEO is an important factor, since it allows the positioning of your blog

# 8 – Get subscribers & Automate your blog

Subscribers will be your most loyal allies . They sign up for your newsletter voluntarily, so you already know that they like what you write. You can always set up free autoresponder to automatically send them notifications.

Use a plugin and don’t even think about it. Give them a small form in which they only have to enter their name and email (lead), data that you will greatly appreciate in the future.

And when to ask for the lead?

At the end of the article, in the middle of it, with a pop up before they go to close the page, on your home, on the sidebar … Think of a strategy, but start capturing leads as soon as possible. You can use free email services to capture and send emails to leads as well. 

You can check out SendinBlue for your automation check out the Sendinblue Review here. That should be one of your main goals. Users who are delighted with you are the most likely to buy things from you; just by asking, if they are faithful, they will make the payment you ask for.

# 9 – Lead magnet

We return to the recipe blog. Imagine that you want to suddenly increase your list of leads . An excellent option is to use a lead magnet, which is content that a user can access once they give you their email.

“The 10 best recipes with chocolate and banana” . And you tell him that if he gives you his email, you will send it instantly . It is a very common process in online marketing and its results are amazing.

And how do you make a lead magnet? It is usually a PDF. You can do it in Word and then convert it, or directly use online tools or plugins designed for it. The objective is that the final product is something visual, beautiful and useful.

Innokabi lead magnet examples here.

# 10 – Downloadable

It is similar to the lead magnet, but in this case its function is different. Here the lead is no longer sought, but reader loyalty .

If you offer them content to download that is of the highest quality , do not doubt that they will come back for more. Checklists, tips, tricks, ideas, etc. Anything you can get hold of without having to go online.

Leaving the blog

Move on the net . Go through social networks and post your content on those sites where there may be interest in reading them. Use Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn , Pinterest, Instagram, news aggregators, etc. Do not cut yourself! You never know where your ideal reader might be.

On the other hand, a very good practice is to relate to your competition . He will have more authority than you and if you play the ball a little, it could result in some benefit in the medium term.

Share his articles on your Twitter, mention him in your posts … And you can even go further and interview him , publishing the talk in a post on your blog. These articles tend to move very well and even if it is not for Google, you will be saying to your community: ” watch out, I’m here and I’m someone .”

Do not give up

Not giving up is another of the fundamental keys to a successful blog

Key number # 11 is constancy

Do not stop. Keep thinking about topics and writing. Talk to this and that one, move your content around the network and if you see it useful, spend some money on advertising with Facebook Ads .

Staying consistent is the most important thing, and with this I am done. You are creating a community around your content. You’re personal branding and readers come to you looking for what you’ve been giving them since they first met you. Don’t break the cycle and don’t disappear and if you do let them know. Leaving a blog is very simple, and coming back later becomes very complicated.

Are you ready to start your own blog and achieve success?


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